Choosing the best CMS to create your website in 2024

Are you looking for the most effective way to create a polished, high-performance website for your business? You’ve probably already heard of CMS or “Content Management Systems”. Renowned for their ease of use, these tools enable you to create a website and manage its content without the need for a webmaster or complex coding techniques. Whether you want to create your site yourself or call in a professional, choosing the right CMS is essential before taking the plunge. In this article, we present our top 3 best CMS to use in 2024.

What are the advantages of using a CMS to design a website?

Time-saving simplicity! Thanks to its intuitive interface, the CMS lets you focus on the content of your site, without having to deal with the technical aspects of web development. This means you can create your website yourself, from A to Z. Even if you know nothing about coding.

And don’t forget that the usefulness of a CMS doesn’t end with the initial creation of the site. Indeed, to be effective, a website must be active and alive on a daily basis. That’s why, even if you delegate its creation to a professional, it’s essential to choose the right tool so that you canadminister it independently afterwards. A CMS is the perfect answer to this need: not only can you create the content for your site, but you can also organize its tree structure, and manage the products in your online store with ease.

CMS functionalities


Our top 3 CMS for building a website in 2024

Choosing the right CMS depends on a number of criteria, depending on your own needs. If you’re completely new to web design, you’ll find it easier to choose an intuitive tool. On the other hand, if you have a few technical notions in the field, some CMS are slightly more complex, but more customizable.

What’s more, the tool you choose must also be adapted to your business. Whether it’s a blog, a showcase site or an online store, make sure you select a CMS that offers the options you need. And don’t overlook criteria that are essential to your site’s performance, such as :

  • SAFETY ;
  • responsive design ;
  • SEO optimization.

Once you’ve defined your criteria, take the time to compare the different solutions available. To help you make your choice, here are our 3 favorite CMS.

WordPress, the undisputed leader

Among the best CMS in 2024, WordPress maintains its position as world leader. Created in 2003, this tool has evolved to offer a multitude of themes and extensions, enabling complete customization of your website. What’s more, this CMS can be used to create any type of site: showcase site, professional site, blog, online store, etc.

Its main advantages include intuitive content management and open source operation. WordPress also offers numerous plugins, particularly for online sales and appointment scheduling. These include :

  • WooCommerce, specially adapted to e-commerce ;
  • Yoast SEO, which helps you optimize the natural referencing of your content.

Although it’s fairly easy to get to grips with, novice users will still need a little time to master the tool. Indeed, although the multitude of available plugins makes the CMS very complete, their accumulation can also weigh down the site and make it more complicated to manage. Compatibility between different CMS themes and plugins can also be a problem.

Joomla!, a worthy adversary

Joomla! is also one of the most popular CMS for website creation. And with good reason! It offers very similar functionalities to WordPress, as well as highly developed customization options. In fact, thanks to its numerous templates and extensions, Joomla! lets you create any type of website, be it a blog, a showcase site or an e-commerce site.

While it may seem a little more complicated to get to grips with than its competitor, Joomla! boasts excellent customer service and a wealth of documentation to help you bring your project to fruition.

Google Sites, the ideal site builder for beginners

Do you want to create an attractive website quickly, but don’t know much about web development? Google offers a totally free website creation solution: Google Sites. Integrated into the Google Suite, this tool can be accessed simply by creating a Google account.

With its fast learning curve and highly intuitive interface, Google Sites is ideal for designing a showcase site, a portfolio or any other type of site to present your business. To start designing your professional website, you can choose a template from among the many available.

Google Sites also has the advantage of being linked to other Google services. This feature is very useful for quickly integrating images or infographics from your Google account. What’s more, you can share access to site creation with your colleagues for even greater efficiency.

Other CMS not to be overlooked in 2024

While the three above-mentioned tools remain our day-to-day favorites, other options may be better suited to your needs. This is the case, for example, with CMS specialized in e-commerce. Shopify or Prestashop are considered the best CMS in this field. These tools offer interfaces genuinely dedicated to the administration of an online store. They feature functionalities such as stock management, online payment and product sheet creation.

Which is the best CMS in 2024?

Creating a high-performance website has never been easier. Indeed, there are dozens of CMS on the market. But how do you choose? WordPress, Joomla!, Wix, Shopify… Several tools have proven their worth and quickly become very popular, with novices and more experienced designers alike.

However, even when using aContent Management System, it’s essential to get the right support. Especially if web development isn’t your area of expertise! A professional will help you create a site that converts visitors. In particular, by optimizing theuser experience (UX).

VSE, SME, self-employed… Would you like to create a website to promote your business? Digital Agency will manage your digital project, as well as the technical creation of your website. Our experts in web design, SEO and digital strategy will guide you step by step. Take a look at our services and contact us to find out more!

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