Discover our top team.

Founded in 2019, Digital Agency specializes in digital communications, office manager support, graphic design and the web.

Comprising a team of experts, we are available to meet your outsourcing needs.

Our values :

Your vision = our expertise

Our mission = A full range of services for complete support

The team


Content WRITER

As a Content Writer, my role is to help brands gain visibility and credibility on the Internet through the quality of their editorial content.
This involves writing all types of texts present on the web: blog articles, sales pages, product sheets, white papers, newsletters or even LinkedIn posts.
As a specialist in the French language, I write original and engaging content to enhance the reader’s appreciation of the company’s expertise.
Very curious, I can adapt to any subject and any industry.
In fact, I carry out in-depth research prior to writing to adapt my style to the brand’s objectives and target audience.
I also work in depth on the natural referencing of my content (SEO).
Hn tags, keywords, semantic field, internal and external meshing… Optimizing texts for Google helps improve the site’s positioning on search engines, and therefore the company’s visibility.


Social Media Manager

I’m responsible for managing and auditing social networks, as well as creating/managing influencer campaigns for clients.
I create the digital strategy, the content on Instagram and Facebook, generate traffic to the website and/or physical store and analyze the data to optimize the published posts every month.
For audit requests, I provide expertise, personalized advice and an action plan for the new strategy.
In order to respond to influencer campaign requests, I work on the marketing strategy to increase visibility, create an engaged community and boost brand sales.
Project design, briefing, influencer mapping and contact, campaign launch and analysis help you achieve your objectives.


Office Manager / CARE Management

As Office & Care Manager, my role is to support entrepreneurs in their administrative, pre-accounting and HR needs.
This involves setting up tools or Saas that enable onboarding, offboarding and corporate social networking.
Specialized in CSR and Qualiopi certification, I support and prepare engaging content to promote the company’s expertise to institutions.
Proactive, available and communicative, I can adapt to any subject and any business sector.
What’s more, I carry out in-depth upstream research for all needs specific to collective agreements for QVCT & CSR rules.
I also work in depth on internal communication, pre-accounting, dunning, general services and HR support.


Webmaster and Traffic Manager

I’m a digital marketing expert specializing in e-commerce.
As a webmaster, I help companies manage their online stores on a daily basis.
My areas of expertise include content creation and publishing, performance analysis, technical support for CRM management, and order, stock and after-sales management.
My role as traffic manager enables me to take charge of all marketing missions to get their business off the ground through acquisition, conversion and loyalty strategies.
I work on digital marketing optimization: setting up SEO strategies, creating paid campaigns, creating and automating mailing campaigns, dealing with the press and webmedia, as well as all third-party missions that could help brands grow.


Graphic Designer

As a Graphic Designer, my role is to contribute to a company’s identity and visual communication, by creating striking and aesthetically pleasing graphic elements.
My work encompasses the graphic design of various media, such as logos, banners or illustrations.
Using my creativity and my mastery of design tools, I transform concepts and ideas into attractive and memorable visuals.
I ensure that the visuals I create reflect the company’s personality while respecting current design trends.
I harmoniously combine colors, typography and visual elements to effectively convey the brand’s message to its target audience.
By understanding their objectives and target market, I am able to design graphics that captivate attention and reinforce the brand’s image.
In addition to visual design, I attach great importance to optimizing the user experience by ensuring that graphic elements integrate harmoniously into interfaces and websites.
My work also includes adapting graphics to different platforms and technical requirements to ensure an optimal visual experience on all media.

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